AISE Scholarship Recipients
[steel foundation]

[The AISE Steel Foundation]
1999-2000 Scholarship Winners

as Published in the December 1999 issue of
AISE Steel Technology

Steel Foundation Homepage
AISE Homepage
National Merit Scholarship

[B.G. Kittenbrink]
B.G. Kittenbrink

[A.L. Graham]

Four-year scholarships were awarded to Bradley G. Kittenbrink, son of Douglas A. Kittenbrink of Allegheny Ludlum Corp., and Amy L. Graham, daughter of Thomas C. Graham Jr. of AK Steel Corp. Brad will be attending Harvard University, studying computer engineering, and Amy will be attending Williams College, studying veterinary science.
Canadian Scholarship
[D.R. Howchin]
D.R. Howchin

A four-year scholarship was awarded to Derek R. Howchin, son of Richard B. Howchin of Dofasco Inc. Derek will be attending Queen�s University, studying electrical and computer engineering.


T. J. Ess Memorial Scholarship
This one-year scholarship to a student at Carnegie Mellon University was awarded to Matthew D. Juhasz, son of Mark K. Juhasz of the Sparrows Point Div. of Bethlehem Steel Corp. Matt is a junior, studying electrical and computer engineering.
[D. Lubitz]
D. Lubitz
The one-year Baltimore Section Founders Scholarship was awarded to David Lubitz, son of Linda Lubitz of Radiometrie Corp. Dave is in the Honors program at the University of Delaware where he is studying civil engineering.
[J. Ridgeway]
J. Ridgeway

The 1999 John Klusch Scholarship was awarded to Joneice Ridgeway, daughter of Jonathan Ridgeway of Republic Technologies International. Joneice attends Ohio State University.

Chicago District Section Scholarships
[T. Dietrich-Mueller]
T. Dietrich-Mueller
A four-year scholarship was awarded to Tamara Dietrich-Muller, daughter of Herman E. Muller Jr. of Herman Muller Ltd. Tamara will be attending Cornell University, studying physics.
[J.J. Sherman]
J.J. Sherman
A one-time four-year scholarship, the Jack Gill Memorial Scholarship, was awarded to James J. Sherman Jr., son of James J. Sherman of Hatch Associates Ltd. Jim will be attending Purdue University, studying electrical engineering.
[M. Patrizi]
M. Patrizi

A four-year scholarship was awarded to Mark Patrizi, son of Robert Patrizi of the Great Lakes Div. of National Steel Corp. Mark will be attending Western Michigan University, studying computer engineering.


[A. Cherolis]
A. Cherolis
A one-year scholarship was awarded to Anthony Cherolis, son of William A. Cherolis of AK Steel Corp. Tony is a junior at Florida State University, studying mechanical engineering.
One-year scholarships were awarded to Amy Jo Mracna, daughter of Joseph E. Mracna of JEM Services, Ltd., and to Gregory T. Zugates, son of Thomas B. Zugates of MPS Engineering & Construction, Inc. Amy is a junior at Northern Arizona University, studying environmental sciences. Greg is a senior at Pennsylvania State University, studying chemical engineering.
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